Infobank Digital 13th Digital Brand Award 2024
Conventional Commercial Bank KBMI 1 with Assets above IDR 25 Trillion
Corporate Secretary Award 2024
Winner of corporate secretary champion 2024 with the predicate : good
IDX Channel CSR Award 2023
Social Development Initiatives Winner
Top Bank
4th Indonesia Top Banking Awards 2023
Top Bank in Conventional - KBMI 1 Category
IDX Channel Anugerah Inovasi Indonesia 2023
Special Awards for Products & Business Models
Sertifikat CSR
Indonesia Excellence CSR Award 2023
Excellence in Green & Environmental Management
The Best CSR Global Program
The Best CSR Innovation & Initiatives in Global Program
The Best Leadership Focus on CSR Award
Top 50 Mid-Market
The 13th IICD Corporate Governance Awards 2022
Top 50 Mid-Market Capitalized Issuers with Best Corporate Governance Practices
Best Bank
Indonesia Best Bank Awards 2022
The Strengthening Synergy and Expand Business Segmentation
Category: KBMI 1, Private Bank
IDX Channel CSR Award 2022
Social Development Initiatives Winner
Top CSR Awards 2022
President Director of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk as Top Leader on CSR Commitment 2022
Indonesia Top Digital
Indonesia Top Digital Public Relation Award 2022
Indonesia TOP Digital PR Award by together with Tras N Co Indonesia
Top CSR Awards 2022
Winner of TOP CSR Awards 2022
Best Indonesia Leaders
Indonesia Leaders Award II 2021
The Best Indonesia Leaders 2021 Category: CEO Public Bank Company-Assets < Rp25T
Best Right of Shareholders
The 12th IICD Corporate Governance Awards 2021
Best Right of Shareholders
The Best Informative Website
Indonesia Corporate Secretary and Corporate Communication Award (ICCA) VI-2021
The Best Informative Website 2021 Bank Buku 2 - Public Company
BOOK II Conventional Commercial Bank Deposit
Infobank 10th Digital Brand Award 2021
BOOK II Conventional Commercial Bank Deposit
Internet Banking dan Mobile Banking J Trust Bank hadir dalam tampilan baru dan layanan yang lebih lengkap. Silahkan akses menu E-Banking untuk mendapatkan mobile banking dan internet banking J Trust Bank terbaru Kepada Yth. Nasabah, Hati-hati penipuan melalui telepon/aplikasi Whatsapp/iklan di media sosial yang mengatasnamakan PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. atau J Trust Bank, serta menawarkan produk J Trust Bank yang selanjutnya dikenakan biaya berlangganan tiap bulan dan meminta kode one time password (OTP) atau personal identification number (PIN) nasabah. Awas, waspada link palsu! Jangan mengakses link/tautan dengan permintaan mengisi data-data pribadi nasabah, meminta kode OTP dan PIN.