Gourmet Senshu


Senshu offers both the freshest, most delicious Japanese cuisine in a wonderfully serene setting. The menu is crafted true to Japanese culinary tradition from its stunning Teppanyaki, Sushi and Kappo live stations as well as its splendid private dining rooms. Led by Chef Matsuo Yoshiaki and a team of Japanese chefs, Senshu offers a diverse range of Japanese cuisine, including Omakase Kaiseki, Sushi, and Teppanyaki.

Informasi Lokasi

  • Fairmont Jakarta, Lantai 2. Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8, Senayan, Jakarta Selatan
  • phone number (021) 29039501 Reservation
  • phone number 0812-4601-6105 WA Number
  • phone number
    Hours of Operation :
    Lunch: 11.30 AM – 2 PM
    Dinner: 6 PM – 10 PM
sumi to kome

Sumi To Kome

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Ginza Sushi Ichi

bai yun

Bai Yun Hot Pot

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