
Rupiah Prime Lending Rate

Effective March 2025

Credit Segment

(% per year)
Data Period:
February 2025
Kredit Non UMKM Kredit UMKM KPR / KPA Non KPR / Non KPA
Kredit Korporasi Kredit Ritel Menengah Kecil Kredit Mikro
Kategori Definisi Kategori Kredit Indikator/ Kriteria dari Kategori Kredit
Korporasi Kredit modal kerja dan/ atau kredit investasi yang diberikan kepada debitur yang memenuhi kriteria segmen Corporate di Bank J Trust Indonesia Total Plafond Kredit > Rp50 M
Ritel Kredit modal kerja dan/ atau kredit investasi yang diberikan kepada debitur yang tidak termasuk kriteria segmen Corporate di Bank J Trust Indonesia Total Plafond Kredit < Rp50 M

Notifications :

  • Prime Lending Rate is a base lending rate used by the Bank as a reference in determining lending rates for customers. Prime Lending Rate does not include credit risk faces by the Bank which depends on the Bank's risk assessment on each individual debtor or group debtors. Therefore, lending rate charged to customers can be different with The Prime Lending Rate.
  • The Prime Lending Rate for Non-Mortgage - Consumer Loan segment is a prime lending rate for customers of Non-Mortgage - Consumer Loan segment, excluding Non-Collateralized Consumer Loans and Credit Card.
  • Information of the current prime lending rate is also available at our branches and J Trust Bank website (www.jtrustbank.co.id).
    *) Corporate lending are loans for productive purposes with amount more than IDR 5 billion
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