
Find J Trust Bank's financial performance summary in Financial Highlights:

Financial Data Overview (In millions of Rupiah. unless otherwise stated)

NOTES 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Interest Income 2.525.270 1.678.244 991.353 978.794 1.132.243 1.426.813
Profit (Loss) 27.902 86.621 (445.423) (484.441) 49.495 401.101
Total Comprehensive Profit (Loss) 33.356 67.908 (437.561) (484.441) 216.798 550.796
Earnings (Loss) per Share 1,54 5,47 (42,15) (48,39) 4,94 40,06
Asset 39.234.312 33.617.390 21.317.575 16.204.908 17.311.597 17.823.669
Loan - Gross 23.879.838 19.531.947 10.015.617 7.350.650 6.245.991 10.259.055
Liabilities 35.474.581 29.891.015 18.657.788 14.761.678 15.637.771 16.508.766
Deposits from customers 32.005.631 25.661.181 15.945.444 13.064.987 12.806.232 13.248.605
Equities 3.759.731 3.726.375 2.659.787 1.443.230 1.673.826 1.314.903
Return on Assets Ratio (ROA) 0,06 0,17 (3,06) (3,36) 0,29 0,06
Return on Equity Ratio (ROE) 0,89 3,50 (36,27) (34,01) 4,24 0,89
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) 120,35 148,70 168,22 147,13 138,43 120,35
Non-Performing Loans (NPL) - net 0,71 1,31 2,32 2,72 0,80 0,71
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 14,04 14,86 15,82 11,59 14,53 14,04
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