Whistleblowing System

Employees, Customers and Partners

In accordance with OJK Regulation No.39/POJK.03/2019 dated December 19, 2019 concerning the Implementation of Anti-Fraud Strategy for Commercial Banks as a substitute of SE BI regulation number 13/28/DPNP dated December 9, 2011 Regarding the Implementation of Anti-Fraud Strategy for Commercial Banks, PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. has determined that all employees are required to have 4 No'S behaviors, namely No Delays, No Errors, No Fraud and No Unethical Behavior, all of those are the implementation of Good Corporate Governance and strategies anti-fraud with the motto "No Fraud Tolerance".

Furthermore, in the context of implementing Good Corporate Governance, ethical culture and anti-fraud strategies, especially in the field of prevention and detection of fraud as well as to establish cooperation in disclosing fraud as well as violations of regulations and/or conflicts of interest, PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. (The Bank) expects the support of employees, customers and partners in realizing the goal of becoming a trusted bank of choice for the community.

Bank J Trust Indonesia provides a violation and/or fraud reporting system (Whistleblowing System) through the following reporting facilities:

021 - 27889235

Furthermore, it is hoped that the cooperation and active role of employees, customers, partners and the public to submit information (Whistleblowing), when related to the Bank and found things as following: Fraud/Swindling, Theft, Embezzlement of Assets, Information Leakage, Banking Crimes, Money Laundering Crime, Gratification, Regulation Violation, conflicts of interest, and other actions that are equated with fraud, as well as unethical behavior by employees of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk.

Reporters of fraud indications are expected to be willing to state His/Her identity in order to facilitating follow up on the report, thus reports that clearly state the identity of the reporter will be prioritized for immediate follow-up

Protection for Whistleblowers

The Bank is committed to protecting whistleblowers who have good intentions and the Bank will comply with all relevant laws and regulations as well as applicable best practices in the implementation of the Whistleblowing System.

For reports that are proven to be true, the bank will provide protection to the whistleblower. Protection provided to the reporter includes:

  • Confidentiality guarantee to the reporter identity and the contents of the report submitted
  • Protection guarantee against treatment that is detrimental to the reporter
  • Protection guarantee from possible threats, intimidation, punishment or unpleasant actions from the reported party.


If based on the results of the investigation it is proven that the reported party has committed fraud/violation, the decision-making official will impose sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations.

The Bank is very grateful if the submission of information reports is based on good faith and not based on gossip or slander. Thank you for the good support and cooperation.

Kind regards,
PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk.

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