Jakarta, May 20 2021. To provide the best service to customers and the public, J Trust Bank has appointed PT Intikom Berlian Mustika (Intikom) to update and improve the performance of ATM machines over the next three years. The use of advanced technology ATM machines is expected to provide security and convenience to customers in their financial transactions.
The signing of the cooperation agreement between PT Intikom Berlian Mustika and PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk was attended by the President Director of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk, Ritsuo Fukadai (3 left) accompanied by the IT Director of JTrust Bank Cho Won Jun (2 left), the President Director of PT Intikom Berlian Mustika (Intikom) Agus Susanto Suhendro (3 right), Intikom President Commissioner Suryono Hidayat (right) and Intikom Director Agustini Kho (2 left).