Surat Berharga (ORI, SUKRI)

Surat Berharga (ORI, SUKRI)


Obligasi Negara Ritel or Obligasi Ritel Indonesia (ORI) refers to government bonds sold to individuals/individual Indonesian citizens through sales agents with a predetermined minimum volume. ORI are issued to finance the state budget, diversification of financing sources, managing the country’s debt portfolio and broaden the investor base. ORI is a free investment against the risk of default, namely failure by the Government to pay coupons and principal to investors.

SUKRI (Sukuk Ritel)

Surat Berharga Syariah Negara or known as Sukuk Negara are securities issued by the state based on sharia principles, as evidence for the inclusion of SBSN assets, both in Rupiah and foreign currency.


Kantor Notaris Jose Dima Satria, S.H., M.Kn.
Jalan Madrasah, Komplek Taman Gandaria Kav. 11A
Kelurahan Gandaria Selatan, Kecamatan Cilandak,
Jakarta Selatan, 12420
Tel.: 021-29125500 / 021-29125600
Share Registrar
PT Sharestar Indonesia
Sopo Del Office Towers & Lifestyle Tower B, Lt 18
Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot 10. 1-6
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
DKI Jakarta 12950
Telp. (021) 50815211
Fax (021) 50815211
Public Accountant
Tanubrata Sutanto Fahmi Bambang & Rekan
(BDO Indonesia)
Prudential Tower 17th Floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-5
Jakarta 12910
Tel. : (021) 57957300
Fax. : (021) 57957301


Email :
Tel : (+62-21) 2926 1111
PIC : Ridyawan Amnar, Teuku Hendry Andrean
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