Grand Sahid Jaya

Terms & Conditions

  • Berlaku 1 Maret 2024 s.d 31 Juli 2024
  • Promo Discount 20% untuk Food & Beverage Ala Carte.
  • Promo Discount 10% untuk Liqueur & Bottle Beverage Ala Carte.
  • Dine in / Take Away dengan minimum transaksi Rp 250.000 nett dan maksimum discount Rp 500.000 di restoran Bengawan Solo, Arkopilago, Golden Dragon, Nglangi Pool Bar, Solo Brasserie & Lounge .

Alamat :
Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 86 Jakarta, Indonesia

Telp : (+62) 21 570 4444

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Grand Sahid Jaya
J Trust Bank's Internet Banking and Mobile Banking is here with a new look and more complete services. Please access the E-Banking menu to get the latest J Trust Bank mobile banking and internet banking Dear customers of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk.  Be careful of fraud via telephone/Whatsapp application/advertising on social media on behalf of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. or J Trust Bank, as well as offering J Trust Bank products, which in turn are subject to a monthly subscription fee and request a one time password (OTP) code or customer personal identification number (PIN). Beware, beware of fake links! Do not access links/links with requests to fill in customer's personal data, ask for OTP and PIN codes.