
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

J Trust Bank underlies the Bank's CSR programs and activities with the premise that the Bank is part of the community and in general, is part of Indonesian society and the world. Thus, the Bank has a social responsibility to develop and empower people's lives around the Bank's operational areas. Through the CSR programs, the Bank carries out activities that focus on three pillars: economic, social, and environmental that aligned in efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in accordance with the Sustainable Finance's vision and mission.

CSR (J Trust Bank Peduli)
Monday, 12 Aug 2019

J Trust Bank's Feast of Sacrifice 2019

In commemoration of Eid al-Adha 1440 H, J Trust Bank donated a cow as a sacrificial livestock to Masjid Mathla'ul Anwar, located on Jalan Karet Pasar Baru Barat IV, Karet Tengsin, Central Jakarta on Friday, August 9, 2019. The sacrificial livestock was handed over symbolically by EVP Corporate Secretary of J Trust Bank Rayendra Prasetya. The sacrificial livestock donation for Eid al-Adha celebration is one of J Trust Bank's corporate social responsibility activity for the community.

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CSR (J Trust Bank Peduli)
Tuesday, 18 Jun 2019

J Trust Blood Donation June 2019

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CSR (J Trust Bank Peduli)
Monday, 27 May 2019

J Trust Bank Iftar Gathering with The Orphans

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CSR (J Trust Bank Peduli)
Monday, 14 Jan 2019

J Trust Care Sunda Strait Tsunami Victims Donation

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CSR (J Trust Bank Peduli)
Wednesday, 05 Dec 2018

J Trust Bank Blood Donation Event

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CSR (J Trust Bank Peduli)
Wednesday, 24 Oct 2018

J Trust Bank Financial Inclusion Activity at SD Yasporbi I

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CSR (J Trust Bank Peduli)
Friday, 24 Aug 2018

J Trust Bank's Feast of Sacrifice 2018

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