Gourmet Sumi to Kome

Sumi & Kome [Charcoal and Rice]

Freshly cooked white rice is the staple food of the Japanese. The variety of dishes which go well with rice, prepared over charcoal, is one of the oldest cooking method. Our passion is to have other people to savor this delightful combination.

At Sumi to Kome, we aim to provide exquisite dishes in relaxing space and service that satisfies our customers. In terms of the quality of the food, the service, and the atmosphere, our aim is to create a restaurant which not only serves dishes, but also convey an experience and excitement that comes after.

To achieve this, we need the efforts of all our staff, from the dining hall to the kitchen and office. Since our aim is not only to provide dishes, but also to create a restaurant which deliver an experience and emotion that lies after that.

Location Information

  • Jl. Sultan Hasanudin Dalam, Blok M, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
  • phone number (021) 27098659 Reservation
  • phone number 0856-9329-9473 WA Number
  • phone number
    Hours of Operation :
    Tuesday to Thursday & Sunday,
    05.30 PM - 11.00 PM
    Friday & Saturday,
    05.30 PM - 02.00 AM
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