Iwan Nataliputra
- 59
- Male
- Indonesia
- Indonesia
- MSi from the University of Indonesia (2004),
- Bachelor of Economics from Universitas Terbuka (2003)
- Bachelor of Engineering from Maranatha Christian University, Bandung (1988)
Position in Bank
Independent Commissioner
Position in Committee
Work Experience
- Independent Commissioner of J Trust Bank (2021 – present)
- President Commissioner of PT Sahabat Finansial Keluarga (2011-2021)
- Several positions to the Board of Management at PT Bank Permata (2003-2020)
- Commissioner of PT Astra Sedaya Finance (2017-2018)
- President Commissioner of PT Bali Securities (2009-2010)
- Several positions to Head of Treasury & Operational Risk Management at PT Bank Bali (1989-2003)
Concurrent Positions
- Has no concurrent position as member of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners or other position
Affiliated Relationship
Has no affiliation with fellow members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors,
or with the Ultimate and Controlling Shareholder.

I Gde Yadnya Kusuma
- 62
- Male
- Indonesia
- Indonesia
- Bachelor of Economics from Brawijaya University Malang in 1977
- Bachelor of Economics from STIE Swadaya Jakarta in 1995
- Master of Economics from University of Indonesia in 2004.
Position in Bank
Independent Party
Position in Committee
Work Experience
- Has held various positions at Bank Indonesia with his last position as Director of PPATK, and has served as a member of the Risk Monitoring Committee and the Audit Committee at Bank Rakyat Indonesia.
Concurrent Positions
- Has no concurrent position as member of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners or other position
Affiliated Relationship
Has no affiliation with fellow members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors,
or with the Ultimate and Controlling Shareholder.

Benny Siswanto
- 64
- Male
- Indonesia
- Indonesia
- M.A in Economics dari Williams College, Massachusetts Amerika Serikat (1997)
- Bachelor’s Degree in Economy from the University of Gajah Mada Yogyakarta (1985)
Position in Bank
Independent Commissioner
Position in Committee
Riwayat Jabatan
- Independent Commissioner of J Trust Bank (2021 – present)
- President Commissioner of PT Mekar Prana Indah, Bidakara (2017 - 2023)
- Executive Director, Department Head at Bank Indonesia Region I Sumatra (2017)
- Executive Director/Head of Bank Indonesia Regional Office of East Java Province (2014-2016)
- Executive Director/Head of Bank Indonesia Regional Office III Bali & Nusa Tenggara (2013-2014)
- Several positions in Bank Indonesia until being appointed as Director/Head of
- Strategic Planning Bureau of Bank Indonesia (1988 – 2013)
Concurrent Positions
- Has no concurrent position as member of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners or other position
Affiliated Relationship
Has no affiliation with fellow members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors,
or with the Ultimate and Controlling Shareholder.

Bambang Setyoko
- 64
- Male
- Indonesia
- Indonesia
- Yogyakarta Bank & Finance Academy of Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi – IBEK in Management Economics in 1978.
Position in Bank
Independent Party
Position in Committee
Riwayat Jabatan
- He has held various positions at PT Bank Resonia Perdania, PT Fakar Mekar Indah, and Bank Indonesia.
Concurrent Positions
- Has no concurrent position as member of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners or other position
Affiliated Relationship
Has no affiliation with fellow members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors,
or with the Ultimate and Controlling Shareholder.