Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

As part of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance, PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. (J Trust Bank) recognizes the need for implementing Ethical Code of Ethics and Business Conduct for all employees of the bank, Directors and Board of Commissioners.

About Code of Ethics and Business Conduct J Trust Bank

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct J Trust Bank contains several policies such as:

  • The obligation to comply the Indonesia Bankers Code of Conduct, J Trust Bank's Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, all the legal rules and rules stipulated in J Trust Bank's policies.
  • Understanding and maintaining the confidentiality of any information, be it information on customer or such according to J Trust Bank.
  • Avoiding any misuse, dissemination of customer's information within the Bank shall be carried out carefully and only to those unauthorized.
  • Avoiding any engagements in activity that may lead to a conflict of interest from an individual or an organization.
  • Prohibited from taking the Bank’s goods for their personal interest.
  • Prohibited from receiving gratification having to do with their position or the Bank's operational activities.
  • The obligation to uphold the Bank's good name and protect the Bank from reputational risk adverse to the J Trust Bank's good reputation.

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct J Trust Bank Practice

The implementation of the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct as stated on the Corporate Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Manual is intended to provide guidance for all Insan J Trust Banks to behave in a good and ethical manner in carrying out the activities of the company.

The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is a behavioral guide for the Bank members (Board of Commissioner, Directors, employees) carrying out their day-to-day duties and official services and in establishing business relationship with customers, partners and fellow workers in order to establish integrity, loyalty, and highly dedication.
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