Anti Fraud Declaration

As an initiative to strengthen the Bank’s internal control system, the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), and to implement the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 39/POJK/03/2019 dated 19th December 2019 regarding The Implementation of Anti-Fraud Strategy for Commercial Banks, management of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia,Tbk commits to implement the followings:

1. Conducting fair, honest, and open/transparent business practices;
2. Avoiding to engage in business practices with third-party entities who are not committed to Bank’s policy; and
3. Enforcing legal consequences of violation to the Bank’s policies and commitment

We hope that all of the Bank’s employees, customers, and partners can work together to build a strong ANTI-FRAUD CULTURE within PT Bank JTrust Indonesia,Tbk and establish a clean environment from any fraud-related violations.

Jakarta, 20 December 2021

J Trust Bank's Internet Banking and Mobile Banking is here with a new look and more complete services. Please access the E-Banking menu to get the latest J Trust Bank mobile banking and internet banking Dear customers of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk.  Be careful of fraud via telephone/Whatsapp application/advertising on social media on behalf of PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. or J Trust Bank, as well as offering J Trust Bank products, which in turn are subject to a monthly subscription fee and request a one time password (OTP) code or customer personal identification number (PIN). Beware, beware of fake links! Do not access links/links with requests to fill in customer's personal data, ask for OTP and PIN codes.