PT Bank JTrust Indonesia Tbk. (J Trust Bank) held Annual General Shareholder Meeting (AGSM) at Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta on Thursday, June 28, 2018. Some of the major decisions of the meeting are the approval and validation of 2017 Annual Report. Moreover, the AGSM also approved the changes of the company's board members. Therefore, the updated J Trust Bank's board members are as follows:
Board of Commissioner:
President Commissioner : Nobiru Adachi
Commissioner : Shigeyoshi Asano
Commissioner (Independent) : Mahdi Mahmudy
Commissioner (Independent) : Kwik Ing Hie
President Director : Ritsuo Ando
Director : Felix I. Hartadi
Director : Helmi A. Hidayat
Director : Rio Lanasier
Director : Haryanto B. Purnomo
Furthermore, the AGMS approved the reverse stock plan with the ratio of 100.000 shares to 1 share in both Series A and Series B. Series A shares were initially valued at Rp0,01 to Rp1.000 per share and the original B series was Rp78 to Rp7,8 million.
After executing the reverse stock, J Trust Bank also plans to increase its capital by pre-emptive rights to,000 (100 trillion) Series A shares at a par value of Rp0,01 per share and/or after the reverse stock, so that the number of shares issued to Series A shares with par value of Rp1.000 or 9,99% of the total issued and fully paid shares.